Month: September 2024

AGAMal holds an inaugural Stakeholders Meeting with Civil Society Organisations on Global Fund GC7 Community Systems Strengthening (CSS).

In a move to align and reinforce the success of the Global Fund’s Community Systems Strengthening (GC7-CSS) grant implementation in Ghana, the first quarterly stakeholder meeting was convened on April 10, 2024, in Accra. The meeting brought together key players (Civil Society Organisations and Networks) in the country’s Malaria, HIV/AIDS and TB response, namely the …

AGAMal holds an inaugural Stakeholders Meeting with Civil Society Organisations on Global Fund GC7 Community Systems Strengthening (CSS). Read More »

AGAMal Appointed Principal Recipient of Global Fund’s GC7 CSS Grant in Ghana

For nearly two decades, AngloGold Ashanti Malaria Control – Ghana has been at the forefront of Ghana’s fight against malaria. Our Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) program has been a lifeline, safeguarding over 1.3 million lives each year. We are thrilled to announce that our impact is expanding even further!   Aside from Indoor Residual Spraying, …

AGAMal Appointed Principal Recipient of Global Fund’s GC7 CSS Grant in Ghana Read More »