AGAMal Appointed Principal Recipient of Global Fund’s GC7 CSS Grant in Ghana

For nearly two decades, AngloGold Ashanti Malaria Control – Ghana has been at the forefront of Ghana’s fight against malaria. Our Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) program has been a lifeline, safeguarding over 1.3 million lives each year. We are thrilled to announce that our impact is expanding even further!


Aside from Indoor Residual Spraying, we have been selected as the Principal Recipient of The Global Fund to manage the Community Systems Strengthening (CSS) component of the grant for HIV, TB and malaria in Ghana for the Grant Cycle 7 (GC7), covering 2024 to 2026.


The GC7 HIV/TB/Malaria Community Systems Strengthening (CSS) grant aims to promote effective community systems that underpin community-led and community-based responses that will complement and link the formal health system in Ghana. It involves building capacities and reallocating resources to enable community actors to drive interventions tailored to their local needs, challenges and priorities across prevention, treatment, care and support.


By systematically strengthening community systems, CSS cultivates resilient networks that can sustain progress, ensure services remain responsive and address human rights-related barriers to accessing health services. The implementation will, therefore, empower Networks to realise their potential and capabilities and find their place in contributing according to their mandate to achieve epidemic control.

We are not just fighting diseases; we are transforming lives, one community at a time. Join us in celebrating this monumental leap forward. Together, we are unstoppable in our quest for a healthier, brighter future for all.